![]() There are no restrictions on the number of attempts you are allowed at each of the Advanced Stage exams.We would always recommend that you are fully prepared for each exam as repeated failures may not be tolerated by your existing or future employers.They also cost money and time. The Professional Stage exams are sat in March,June,September and December.The Advanced Stage exams are sat in July and November each year. Exams are held in Beijing,Shanghai and Guangzhou(北京,上海,广州)。 ACA考点协会在英国及海外均设有笔试考试中心,学员也可通过协会官方相关网站更多了解。 来源:综合自互联网,由中国ACA考试网【www.aca.cn】整理发布,原创文章,未经授权请勿转载,若需引用或转载,请注明来源! |