CASSL联合主席加布里埃尔·弗里曼写道:“如果你的考试结果和你预料的有出入,或者你公司的某职员正面临重考的可能,CASSL会给你答案,告诉你如何做。” 和你的雇主谈谈,他们会给你更多的鼓励。再说,此前也一定有其他学员未能通过考试的。 If your exam results were not what you had hoped for,or someone in your firm is facing the prospect of resitting their exams,CASSL has the answers,writes Gabriella Fryman,CASSL Co-Chair. Results day is that nerve racking day when we spend the entire morning watching time move at a record slow pace.Sometimes 12pm doesn’t deliver the news we want and it’s very easy to panic and feel like the world is over.It’s also very easy to feel like you are the only one going through this! The most recent Advanced Level results showed that 23%failed the case study exam,20%failed corporate reporting and 13.5%failed strategic business management. So,you definitely are not alone. The most important thing is to come up with a plan for tackling the resit.Here are a few tips that we have for you: Flick through your study manual and think about what would be the worst thing that could come up;these will be the areas you need to focus on. Speak to your tutor;the training provider is likely to offer a resit course that will help target your weaknesses and common mistakes. You may find the ICAEW marks feedback service(£25 a paper)helpful.It will give a breakdown of your total short form question score and marks per question for the exam. Think about anything that may have distracted you before exams;what other commitments did you have and can these be scaled back? Speak to your firm.They don’t want you to fail,and will definitely have had other students fail in the past. 来源:综合自互联网,由中国ACA网【】整理发布,若需引用或转载,请注明来源! |